Bearish Winter Update

Posted by Christopher Myers on

Hello Bearish friends and family!

As we try to stay warm here in Pennsylvania, we have a lot of things happening on our end. The two main things that we would like to update you on is the Distribution Update and our pack cases. Let's start with the latter.

Bearish Pack Cases

Bearish pack cases are again in stock and thanks to Ted from Ted's Basement (See the video: Acrylic Display Cases for Sealed TCG Products MTG Pokémon Sorcery FaB Booster Boxes Packs and Decks), we are now offering our inner packs of 12 at a discount! If you need just one, the price still remains at $9.99 a unit and if you are looking to protect a bunch at a time or just would like to have them on hand, you can get an inner pack for $109.99. Come see the new offering here: Standard True Fit Acrylic Booster Pack Case - 12 Unit Inner Pack – Bearish.


Our push for distribution has started a long time ago and everything is finally coming to fruition. We are currently working on 1,500 Introductory Kits that we will be sending off to two major distributors to send out to their downline of stores. Within these kits, stores will be introduced to our boxes through a 3mm clear acrylic pane to show the thickness of our cases plus they will be receiving a pack case with video instructions. Additionally, we will be including a product guide that will help them easily decide which cases are best for them. The product guide has been compiled using the data from our Fitment Search (Fitment Search – Bearish). This is a powerful tool that will help you find which case fits your product you are trying to protect.

As more information comes through, we will be thrilled to share it with you. Thank you all for your continued support. 2025 is going to be an amazing year!


Chris and Steve